Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hue, one more day

Banh bao seller on bicycle: steamed rice buns filled with pork, onions, and a quail egg. Look carefully at his rig--charcoal fire heats the steam pot on one side of his bike, bun storage on the other.

 Even though we had kinda had enough of Hue and its pestering motobike/cyclo/taxi guys who yell or clap at you every time you walk near, we stayed an extra day. The train outta there (north) leaves at a luxurious 5:30 am, so we changed hotels and neighborhoods to locate ourselves within stumbling distance of Ga Hue, the train station. Unbeknownst to us, we were now in the midst of a thriving student cafe scene. Hello Coffee above, young Hue-ites on laptops or reading books, good coffee.

The train station waiting room has an aquarium.

Near our hotel. Santa and Martian bumper cars. 

 Every 'hood has its own fresh market, ours was no exception. I got this warm ginger silken tofu from a street vendor nearby. This is a simple dish that is very tasty. I'd like to recreate it at home. Maybe there is something about having it fresh from a mobile vendor in lovely porcelain cups too.

 Our market ran along a river. 

Sunset from the rooftop bar of our hotel. Not pictured: the worst mojitos in Vietnam. Never trust a hotel bar, lesson learned. Great view though!

One of the schools near the hotel. This one is known for an ex-student, Ho Chi Minh, and for its gorgeous historic buildings. 

On the road (rails) again: heading north, into karst mountain country.

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