Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hoi An: outside of the Old Town home stay and bike ride around an island

Our "adventure" from Da Nang involved getting the local bus for the 30 km one-hour trip. Info online (and google maps for the route) told us the fare should be 18,000 dong, but that there was a scam to make foreigners pay several times that amount. Our experience was no different--our bus guy tried yelling and threatening to kick us off the bus, while other passengers snickered. He seemed really insulted that we were only willing to pay the normal rate. When we got to Hoi An, we walked into town and stopped midway to buy taro and durian ice creams. 

An open air neighborhood cafe near our friendly home stay; the coffee guy remembered what we ordered the next day and brought it to us as soon as we sat down. 

In the Old Town, black bean Che, a sweet layered dessert. We rode bikes into the Old Town after dinner at our Magnolia Garden Home Stay--this place was perfect. Warm and welcoming family, lovely hotel, and they made all of the guests a dinner of banh out thit nuong the first night we stayed there. 

Next day: leisurely bike ride exploring the Cam Thanh island near the home stay. 

The island had many waterways and lots of palm trees that are harvested for thatch.

Evidence of card playing in the coconut palm.

Late lunch at the Red Lantern on our way back to Hoi An: lemongrass tofu and banana flower salad

Grilled pork banh mi

On the river in the Old Town: dragon lantern

Some places serve Bia Hoi in beautiful bowls with finger rests

A traditional Hoi An dish of Cao Lau at a lovely alleyway restaurant. I wish I had taken a photo of the restaurant name--we were lucky in finding it, but I do not know what it is called. The noodles are only made fresh and in Hoi An. Simple pork broth, greens, crispy wontons and seasoned pork. 

The next morning we arranged for a private cooking class, and while we waited for our instructor some local chickens were wandering outside of our hotel.

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