Saturday, March 7, 2015

Can Tho ("Can Taaaaa")/Mekong Delta

Tet Holiday Travel Madness!

We'd been warned about trying to travel when basically everyone in the country is also on their way somewhere. This bus station was churning through passengers: five full buses from one company (there were many to choose from) left the station at 11:30 am this day. Buses were timed to leave every hour and some on the half hour, and this guy was keeping everyone in line with his amplified microphone.

Unknown to us, we were booked onto a "sleeper bus", where seats are in a perma-recline position. At first it seemed awkward to be in a seat-tube, but I got used to it.

After three hours we were in Can Tho--our hotel was in the middle of a boomin' market and had spectacular views from the rooftop bar area. The Mighty Mekong at sunset!

Ong Pagoda with incense coils and New Year worshipper

In an alley in Can Tho: a lovely cafe spot

 Uncle Ho and groovy sunburst streetlights
 Night market stand. We bought a layered Che noodle and bean dessert.
 One end of the open air food market opens onto the street, the other end is accessible via boat on the river. Rubber boots hanging out to dry!
I do not know what these incredibly tall, leafy greens are, but we saw them arrive in the mid-afternoon, and in an hour or two the pile had been sold to those who pulled up on motos.

 Local butcher across from the market
 One morning we took a small boat to the floating market 6 km upriver. Lots of tourists do this, but the market was also still mostly a wholesale vegetable market. 

 Our driver

 Iced coffee via boat
 A stop on the floating market ride: rice paper factory on land
 The paper factories were down a small canal, while the floating market was in the middle of the wide river

A few days later we were on the Vietnam Railway! This involved a bus from Can Tho back to Saigon, a local bus to the train station, and almost running for the train that left five minutes after we arrived at the station. The woman who sold us the tickets had very good and specific English: the last thing she said to us was, "Please get on the train NOW."

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