Thursday, February 12, 2015

biking to Ban Krut

After a few days of fun in the sun, we visited a more populated nearby town called Ban Krut that had a mountaintop wat and giant buddha statue. 

On the first day we arrived there was a small storm and several large jellyfish washed up on shore... we waited 2 days for the beach to be jelly-free before actually getting in the water, but it was perfect timing for some bike rides to surrounding areas

Entrance to Phra Mahathat Chedi Phakdi Prakat

Temple-- open to the public including the third floor views. We took some pretty old bikes way up the mountain-- it was a very long ride.

We biked from the bay seen at the very end of the land area

garudas protecting entrance

the buddha was giant and looked out on the water like a lighthouse

post-biking food at a ocean-side restaurant on Ban Krut -- fried squid and a tofu and pork hot pot.

on the way back, not far away really, you can see the hill the temple sits on

train back to Bangkok-- funny ad for octopus snacks

3 generations of family members (daughter cutting potatoes, mother on the frier, and grandmother doing the seasoning) making taro chips in Bangkok. They were glazed with a sweet and salty garlic scallion mix. We will definitely be attempting to recreate these at home. They were so great.

Next stop Siem Reap, Cambodia, home of Angkor Wat

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